This is the internet marketing podcast where you learn things that will help you build a successful online business. Ready to listen now? Check out the latest episodes or subscribe to my internet marketing podcast in iTunes and leave a review here (link): – I read and appreciate every review. Thank you!
What to Expect
On the Mason World Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast you can expect to hear practical internet marketing advice that you can apply to your own internet business, great interviews with successful and interesting marketers, and tidbits of great information delivered in an easy to understand format. My goal is to have the best internet marketing podcast on the internet and to do that by delivering excellent content that people really want to hear.
Who is this Internet Marketing Podcast For?
This podcast is for both new and experienced internet marketers who are trying to get a start or grow their on-line business. We focus on issues faced by the part-time marketer. We’ll also discuss some advanced content in this podcast that will appeal to a broad range of internet marketers.
One Night at a Time
The tag line “building internet businesses one night at a time” is more than just a tag line, it's the way we do things around here. I work a demanding full time day job and spend time with my family during the day. I run my internet marketing business a few hours each night into the early hours of the morning.
With only a few hours at a time to work you need to be efficient, fast, and do things that directly effect your bottom line and help your website to grow. These are the kinds of tips, ideas, and advice given on the podcast and shared on the MasonWorld.com blog.
Internet Marketing Podcast — Simple and To the Point
You’re busy and I’m busy. I’m not going to lay a 45 minute podcast on you every week just because I need to fill the time. On the contrary, some episodes are going to be 20 minute episodes that you can enjoy and consume quickly in your iPod or while you’re sitting at your PC without a lot of worry about having to schedule a big chunk of time to listen to it. Other episodes will be longer (depending on what we need to cover).
Internet Marketing Podcast Feedback
Follow Mark if you're ready to Succeed Online!
by Josh SpauldingI've been working with Mark for several years now and have had the privelege of doing a few JV's with him. I can tell you first hand he knows his stuff and is just an all around nice guy who happens to be extremely sharp and efficient in everything he does. Subscribe to this podcast if you're ready to succeed online!
Good information!
by StardancerelfI heard Mark Mason on the Internet Business Mastery show and immediately subscribed to this show. Excellent information.
Useful information from someone who practices every day
by SponzI've been a follower of Mark for some time. He consistently provides practical, useful information. I do Internet Marketing part-time, just like Mark, and I appreciate his focused content that really works.
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Some Interesting Features of the Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast
Internet Marketing Motivator.
It’s going to be a regular feature on the podcast where we talk about an issue of motivation as it relates to your internet business.
Shout Outs
Where I give a shout out to all the great people who have been leaving us feedback and reviews on iTunes.
Special Guests
We all learn in different ways and we all do things differently, so we'll be interviewing and chatting with special guests on the many different ways you can build an internet marketing business. Remember, you don't have to teach people about making money online in order to make money online.
One thing I want to do in this series is talk about the three most important things that internet marketers should know. What I’ve done is I’ve started a series of interviews.
Mark's Three Most Important Things
My three most important things an internet marketer should know are as follows. Number one, the first thing a new internet marketer needs to realize is that it is possible to make money online.
All the standard disclaimers apply. Your mileage may vary. You can fail to make money online. All of those normal disclaimers. I’m not promising you that you can make money online. But, it’s my contention that anyone that really works hard and follows a proven system can make money online. I really do believe that.
The second thing is that you should find a business model and find someone you trust. Follow that business model and stay focused. Avoid getting distracted. One of the issues about internet marketing is that internet marketers are really good at selling things to other internet marketers.
You need to avoid the temptation to follow every bright and shiny object or to buy everything that comes into your inbox. You need to find a business model, find someone you trust to follow in implementation of that business, and go do it. Stay focused and you’ll like the results.
Then the third thing I would say, and this kind of goes without saying and this applies to a lot more things than just internet marketing, and that is you should never give up. You will fail. The faster you fail, and the faster you learn from your mistakes, the faster you will be able to correct those mistakes, get on with your life, and be successful.
One of the great things about internet marketing is that the investment to get started is really low. So, you can afford to fail and the cost to you is not much more than your time in a lot of cases. Never give up. You will be successful. That’s the only way to be successful is to keep at it until you are.
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