Woo Hoo!!! Episode 50.
To celebrate, I invited Pat Flynn back on the show to rap about getting started on line.
Pat and I spend some time talking about some of the things that really bother us about the internet marketing industry. One of those things is people that take advantage of new marketers that are just trying to get started. We have advice for people who are just getting started online and we also have some tips for people who need money now.
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Episode 050 Transcript
It is the big 5-0! They said it couldn’t be done and here I am, Late Night Internet Marketing Episode 50 and I am fired up.
I was thinking, “What can I do for episode 50?” I know I had planned from the guy at GoToGeo, but we’re going to have that next week when we’ll have some updates on the Corn Sheller Site and all that great stuff. But I got to thinking, “What am I all about here? It’s episode 50, I get to do whatever I want.” I decided I wanted to call Pat.
So I have Pat on the phone and we’re just going talk about getting started in internet marketing and maybe reminisce a little bit about stuff that was going on back in 2007. Maybe some of this stuff will inspire you and help you a little bit. I know it inspires me every time that I talk to Pat. He’s such a great friend and he dropped everything that he was doing tonight to get on the phone with me at the last minute. I really appreciate that and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed it myself.