Transcript continued from the Episode 058 Show notes
So if you noticed that the site was down or for awhile it was serving up blank pages, that’s the deal on that. I think I have that fixed and I’m making some moves to isolate the Late Night Internet Marketing podcast and website server on its own server with some additional protection above and beyond.
For those technical people among us, I’m also taking the plunge to switch to a server that is running Apache and e-accelerator or one of those traditional PHP accelerators, I’m going to give Varnish and Engine X a try. If you have any experience with Engine X, I’d love to hear about in the show notes over at Episode 58. Let me know what you think about that.
As far as my big plans for internet marketing, I’m really starting to form up this vision about Late Night Internet Marketing should be the ultimate resource on the internet for people who are doing ethical content based affiliate marketing. If you’re really trying to build websites that help people and make the internet a better place and you want to learn how to do that profitably, I want my website to be the go-to place on the internet for that over time. That’s going to take some time. There’s a lot of noise out there on this topic, a lot of people working on it, including me, so it might take a year or two or who knows. But that’s the direction.
To support that and to make that happen, I want to have the best internet marketing podcast on the internet. Now, what does best mean? To me it means most loved, most engaged, best audience. I don’t really care if it’s 100,000 people. I would have 10,000 people who I really liked and who were really into the show and really cared whether or not I put the show out every week than 100,000 people who could care less. This is something that I’ve learned from Cliff Ravenscraft over the years; it’s really much more important to have 100 good fans than it is to have 10,000 fair weather fans. So that’s the way I want to drive this.
The other thing that supports this is I want to have the most valuable autoresponder in the internet marketing space. I want people to just count down the hours until the next email message comes from me. The way I’m going to do that is to just really load up the autoresponder with some awesome content. I’m almost ready to launch it. It’s going to start with a five day ecourse.
If you haven’t signed up for the autoresponder over at, go on over there and sign up and you will be getting the very first look at this whole new series of content. Basically the idea is you will get an email in your inbox once a week from me for the rest of your life and every email will just be chock full of really good stuff that you can use for your business, and that’s going to be the point of that autoresponder.
The final part of making Late Night Internet Marketing awesome is leading by example. I’m going to try and get more sites like the Corn Sheller site up and running and exposed to you so that you can see what’s going on and see how these things work. What that’s going to mean for me is finishing my commitment to get 20 Forever Affiliate sites up and running and getting those out to you and making sure you know what’s going on. That’s a place where I haven’t made a lot of progress.
We’re going to talk more about the status of my Forever Affiliate project in a future episode. It’s still my intention to have 20 Forever Affiliate style sites up and running by the end of the year, but I can tell you that I’m way behind my initial goal at this point in the year which is more than halfway done, so I have a lot of work to do.
In this process of deciding what to do next, I have a new methodology for managing my time and it’s looking really fantastic. I’ve successfully run a part-time internet business since 2007 and a lot of people ask me, “How do you find time to do that? You have a family, four kids, a dog named Sport. How do you get all that done with a day job?” There are answers for this. There’s a real strategy that I use and I’m putting the finishing touches on that. That may come out as an entire product, maybe as a very affordable course. I’m not sure how I’m going to do that. If you have some feedback on that, I’d love to hear what you think over in the show notes over at Episode 58. Would you be interested in such a course that talked about the lifehacks, tricks, strategies that I use to manage my time and a full time job and a family all at the same time?
That’s about it. I recommend that you head on over to and sign up for the autoresponder. That’s going to go live probably this week. I’ll talk to you about that some more next week.
Internet Marketing News
One of the things that I wanted to do this week was talk a little bit about some of the stuff in the news. I want to try and do that every week.
The big thing in the news this month that people have been talking about a lot over the last week or two has been the closure of Google Reader. This is important for internet marketers because we use Google Reader to track what’s going on in our niches. Or you should be using a tool like Google Reader and subscribe to the top content in your area that you’re marketing in so that you can stay up on what’s going on. In fact, that’s one of the things that I do for this show. I have a list of blogs that I monitor so that if something happens that’s important we can talk about it, so it doesn’t get by me and I don’t get surprised.
I use a feed reader for that because it aggregates that content and you don’t have to go visiting blog by blog to see these things. The problem is that RSS, in my view, is kind of on the decline. Google has decided that it’s not interested. I think what they decided was they weren’t able to monetize RSS in a way that made it worth maintaining the tool, so they decided to close the feed reader down earlier this month.
The question is what do you do if you need a feed reader, what do you use? My answer is Feedly. If you haven’t checked out Feedly, you can go Google Feedly to find that. That’s what I’m using and I’m really enjoying that tool. I think that’s the best alternative out there right now, for me at least.
I’d be very curious to hear what you’re using. I invite you to come to the show notes at for Episode 58 and tell me what you think the best alternative is for RSS feeds.
I’d also encourage you to subscribe to the Late Night Internet Marketing feed. If you’re testing out a new feed reader, I’d love to hear what you think about the feed and what I can do to make the feed better for you. I serve up a full feed, you can read everything that you need to read off the blog in that feed. I welcome to come try that, check it out, and try Feedly and tell me what you think. I think it’s a pretty good tool.
The other thing that was in the news, and this is not internet marketing related but this was a little close to home for me, was this Asiana flight that crashed into the runway at SFO. It gave me chills a little bit watching the video of this airplane. If you haven’t seen this, a bystander happened to be recording landing aircraft with their camera phone when this flight came in. The flight came in too low at San Francisco Airport (SFO) and it hit the runway. When you fly into SFO the end of the runway starts at the water, there’s actually a sea wall there, and if you are in the aircraft, as I have been many times coming in from Asia, and you’ve never flown into that airport before, the very first time that you do that it looks like you are going in the water.
You’re looking out the side of the aircraft, so you can’t see in front of you, you can’t see that there’s a runway if you’re sitting in a passenger’s seat in the aircraft and you’re descending into the water is what it looks like. It’s a bizarre feeling.
I have landed there maybe 100 times coming in from Asia and I just felt for those people, it was a terrible tragedy. I hope they figure out exactly what happened there and make it so that it never happens again. I thought I’d mention that and let you know that that’s a very interesting experience landing at that airport and I feel for those folks.
Keyword Research Part Two
That gets us to the main segment and that is the follow on part to Episode 57 where we started talking about keyword research and we were trying to figure out how we do this keyword research. We kind of broke this down into parts and in part one we talked about how to find keywords that we might want to attack. In part two we are talking about how to decide whether or not the competition for those keywords is such that we can actually hope to win them. Because there are some keywords that you could choose to go after, like “home mortgage,” that you’re not going to win without an enormous budget.
So since it has been a few weeks, or more than a few weeks, creeping up on two months since that last episode, let’s go in the Wayback Machine and remember exactly what it is that we said at the end of that episode.
Just to recap; We’ve determined what we want to do and we’ve identified a brainstorming list of keywords, and from those keywords we’ve found keywords that have a high enough search volume, at least taken together, that it’s interesting for what we want to do. We know that we can convert 1,000 searchers into $100, or whatever. Based on what it is that we’re trying to accomplish, whether this is our first affiliate site or we’re going to take over the world with our 500th site, we have this feeling about what it is that we’re trying to do and we feel like we have a list of keywords with search volume that’s high enough to do that.
The question is, can we rank for them? That’s the next step.
So that leaves us with this next piece, which is how do we decide what the level of competition is and whether or not we have a chance of winning these keywords? How do we make that decision?
I guess maybe what we need to talk about first is how not to make the decision.
One of the things you want to not do is mess up and make the decision based on wrong data. To be honest with you, I have a very specific feeling about this. Just to remind you, the only people who actually know how the Google Keyword algorithm works are at Google. But, I have some very specific ideas about the way you should think about this and they’re different that some other people’s ideas. I love to debate these things, so bring it on. If you have some other thinking about the way this ought to be done, let me hear from you.
One thing that I see a lot of people talking about, and this is usually a red flag to me that someone is talking about SEO that hasn’t worked on it a lot or doesn’t know a lot about it, they’ll talk about the number of competing pages. They’ll say, “You can win this keyword because only 10,000 people are showing up in the Google search for that phrase.” I understand what they mean; what they mean is that since there aren’t a lot of webpages built, that must mean that if you build a webpage that you can compete more easily than if there were 10 times as many or 100 times as many pages built. That simply makes absolutely no sense.
The best analogy I can think of that describes why that makes no sense is that’s like saying that your chances of winning the Boston Marathon have something to do with the number of people in the race. That if the fastest guy in the world is running the Boston Marathon and there are only 100 other people that you have a good chance of winning, as opposed to the fastest guy in the world and 10,000 other people. That makes absolutely no sense. Your ability to beat the fastest guy in the world in the Boston Marathon has absolutely nothing to do with how many other racers there are.
Now, I think it is true – just to give a little credibility to these people that about this stuff – maybe it is true that there is some additional chance that the fastest guy in the world is going to be racing the more racers there are. But if you think about it, that’s not true. The fastest guy in the world is targeting that because he has decided he wants to run the Boston Marathon. The truth of the matter is if someone who knows about SEO has targeted your niche, they’ve done that because they decided to and that has nothing to do with how many competing pages there are.
Furthermore, if you run the Boston Marathon and your goal is to place in the Boston Marathon, it doesn’t matter whether or not you finish 17th, all that matters is whether or not you finish first, second, or third, because you’ve decided that’s your goal. As we’ve discussed many times, for Google your goal is to finish in the top 10. It does not matter very much if you finish 11th. You need to be on the first page.
In fact, you need to be above the page fold, which really means the only five competitors in Google that really matter are the top five that you need to beat. So the question you need to be asking is, at a minimum, “Are there people on page one that I can beat?” or, “Are there people on page five that I can beat?” Who is on page 17 just doesn’t matter. So the number of competing pages, in my view, is just completely irrelevant.
The other thing that I hear occasionally is people arguing that the advertiser competition as reported by the Google Adwords tool has something to do with how hard or easy it’s going to be to rank for keywords. I’ve even heard people who I respect a lot say this. The truth of the matter is I’ve done studies where I looked at the top 10 or 20 or 30 websites ranking for keywords and I did a plot – what an engineer would call a regression – of the rank of those websites versus their advertiser competition. The truth of the matter is the data is very clear, it’s not correlated. Advertiser competition, the data that I’ve run myself just shows that that’s not a very good predictor of how websites rank. Therefore, I believe it’s not a very good predictor of how easy it will be for you rank. With the following exception…
Sometimes I think this is what people are really talking about when they talk about this topic. If the advertiser competition is very low that means that Google Adwords advertisers have decided, for whatever reason, not to buy ads in that space. Usually – not always – the reason that they’ve made that decision is because there is not a lot of money to be made there. And if there’s not a lot of money to be made in a niche, oftentimes that means that people who are in the business of making money on the internet will not have spent time trying to rank for keywords in that space, and that can mean that it might be easy for you to rank in that space. In the absence of a lot of money to be made, it follows that there’s not going to be a lot of people paying attention to those keywords.
Of course, you have to go back to Episode 57 and make sure that you know why you want to rank for that space if there is not a lot of money to be made there. Now, there are reasons that you might want to do that. The truth of the matter is that advertiser competition is not a really good first order predictor of keyword difficulty. It can be an indication that the keyword is not worth going after in the first place. If that’s the case, then a lot of times the competition will be low and the keyword will be easy to rank for.
Those are some things that I would stay away from as far as judging keyword competition. The last thing I would mention is a lot of times you’ll hear people say, “Let’s not look at the number of competing pages, but let’s look at the number of in-title URLs,” where the keyword actually appears in the title of the page or in the URL of the page. That’s usually an indication of the fact that someone is directly targeting the keyword. They’ll come back and they’ll say, “Look, if there are only 10,000 or 2,000 pages with the keywords in the URL that’s not many and we should be able to easily rank. But if there’s 100,000 it’s going to be hard.”
This is just a variation of this Boston Marathon analogy. Just because the keyword is in the title of a page doesn’t mean that someone has done a very good job of optimizing their SEO. The reverse is also true. Just because there aren’t many doesn’t mean there aren’t 10 fantastic ones that are just completely impossible to beat.
Let’s face it, if you’re targeting a keyword and there’s only five competing pages with your keywords in the URL, but the competing pages are CNN, WebMD, Wikipedia, and two other authority sites, you’re done typically. So these are in the Boston Marathon class of things. You just need to basically ignore that.
With that behind us, I think the next thing we need to talk about when we talk about competition is what is deciding what shows up on page one of Google. We’ve talked about this before, but it’s really important to understand because we’re going to talk about the 80/20 rule when it comes to evaluating keyword competition and SEO. For those of you that aren’t familiar with that, it’s this idea that 80% of the really important value in something can be contained in 20% of the details. If you get the big stuff right, the 20% that really matters, that’s going to cover you for 80% of what you need to know about SEO.
I really believe this especially true in SEO. That other 80% of noise, the part that you need to ignore, is all the stuff that’s changing every week. Google releases on average more than two algorithm updates per day in the course of a year, or some crazy thing like that. So the idea that you’re going to go around and chase all that in your business is just nuts, just forget it. The idea that you should be caught up in trying to figure all of that out is also a huge waste of time, because you need to running your business.
So let’s focus on the 20% of the list of things that give us 80% of the value. You can get to that by understanding what Google is doing and how it works. If you go back and look at the original papers from Stanford from these guys who invented Google – Larry Page is the guy who Page Rank is named after – they explain very clearly this idea that they consider links to a site to be essentially votes for that site.
If you’re running Site A and you have links from Site B, C, and D linking to your site, that’s three votes for your site. Your site must be important if three other sites are talking about it. It’s a very simple idea, it’s an editorial content thing where you’re operating under the assumption that people on the internet are writing good content, they’re writing it for readers, and if these people who are writing good content with their readers in mind are sending their readers to other sites, those other sites must be important. If you are writing something for your reader and you send them to my site, it must be because I wrote a good article.
Google takes note of that and they judge your authority in the same way. They look at your authority as an author based on the number of people that are linking to your site and they value your vote for my site based on how important you are. A vote from a website that just got started yesterday for my site is not worth a lot. A vote from CNN for my site is worth a lot more. It just makes a lot of sense.
This is a really interesting and clever idea, and Larry Page created this thing called Page Rank, which is actually named after Larry and not after a webpage. A Page Rank is a number between 1 and 10 that theoretically Google assigned to every page on the internet to help them compute this algorithm. You can look up these papers and there are some patents as well. The papers are a little bit dry and on the technical side, but they’re very interesting. Particularly if you have some kind of engineering or computing background, you should go look at these, they’re kind of cool.
Given that as the idea for Page Rank, then it’s very clear that for an 80/20 rule the thing that we need to look at is the number of backlinks to our site. That gets to the next topic that I want to talk about that’s closely related, which is a very simple 80/20 view of SEO.
The way it works is this. We’ve talked about this a little bit on the show before, too. There are two things that matter when it comes to SEO. There are things that are happening on your page and there are things that are happening off of your page somewhere else on the internet.
For on-page SEO there’s a very simple list of things that you need to do. You need to make sure that your keyword is in the article, it should be in the title of the article, it should be elsewhere in the content, and of course it should be well written excellent content, and so forth. That’s basically what you need to do on the page. Use the keyword strategically. Notice that I’m not talking about keyword stuffing, I’m not talking about using it 4% of the time, I’m just saying use the keyword and make sure it’s relevant.
Off the page you need backlinks to your site. By the way, the other thing that’s off the page that is helping Google decide what your site is about is the words that people are using to link to your page. Sometimes might build a link to your page that says “click here,” or sometimes someone might link to your page using your keyword or your site name. It’s those keywords that also help Google decide what your site is about.
After all, Google has two decisions to make when it comes to ranking your site. Number one; what is your page about? What is about? Is it about blue suede shoes or is it about pink suede shoes or is it about My Little Pony? You have to decide what the page is about. Sometimes your page might be about multiple things and that’s okay. Sometimes you can rank the same page for multiple different keywords.
Fundamentally, however, Google is going to have to decide what your page is about and once they decide what’s it about they’ll look at all the pages that are about the thing that someone just typed in and they need to decide what the top 10 pages are, and those are the 10 pages they’re going to display. From an 80/20 rule point of view they’re going to do that by looking at the backlinks.
Yes, they look at social media. Yes, they consider anchor text percentages. Yes, they look at the distribution of domains. Yes, yes, yes, all that stuff. But from an 80/20 point of view the stuff that we actually know about – by the way, all that other stuff no one really knows what Google is doing. That’s another point; you can spend all your time worrying about this stuff that is unknowable or you can just focus on the stuff we know, and that is that you need really good backlinks to your content.
It’s really simple. Okay, nothing about SEO is really simple, but you know what I mean. It’s relatively straightforward from an 80/20 rule point of view to decide what to do about evaluating competition. This is sort of the punch line for this entire episode. That is that you take a keyword that you’re considering competing for, you look at the number of backlinks that each one of the competing pages – the first 10 or the first five in Google – you look at those, look at the number of backlinks, and you ask yourself, “Knowing what I know and where I am with my ability to build backlinks on the internet, can I get that many backlinks to my site? Is that reasonable for me to do given the amount of work that I want to do to rank this keyword and the budget that I have to go do it?”
Here’s the thing. You can rank for any keyword on the internet if you have enough time and enough budget. You can rank for “credit cards” if you want to. But you better have a big war chest and some time to get there. Yes, there is a lot more to think about than just the raw number of links. I think the primary one that you need to think about, besides the number of links, is the quality of those links. I think the secondary one is the authority of the primary domain of the page.
Google ranks pages, not domains. They don’t rank Wikipedia, they rank pages on Wikipedia. They don’t rank your site, they rank pages on your site versus keywords. But your authority for your root domain, or the authority of the root domains you’re competing with, does influence the authority of the pages under that domain. It’s not a first order thing, it’s not that just because something is on Wikipedia you can never beat it. You can in fact beat even sites like Wikipedia. But Google already trusts Wikipedia, so do a bunch of people on the internet, there are a bunch of links to the root domain and elsewhere on Wikipedia, so Google gives them a little extra leg up.
I’ll tell you who right now they’re giving a big leg up to and that is YouTube, which you might argue is a little bit of a conflict of interest. YouTube videos will beat pages from other domains that have more backlinks time and time again. I judge the factor to be about three to one. If a YouTube video has 100 links, a lot of times it will take 300 to beat it, assuming link quality is equal.
That’s the other thing you have to worry about. Just because you see someone has 4,200 links, that does not mean that they are 4,200 good links. Even though the 80/20 rule is just look at the link count, it’s really not enough just to simply consider the link count, you really need to consider the link count and the quality of the links, and the power of the root domain.
So there it is. Because of this little bit of complexity, there’s the number of the links that are pointing to your competitions webpage, but another factor that has to be considered is the quality of those links that are pointed to your competition’s webpage, and then there’s the authority of the root domain. Because of those three things it’s a little hard just to get a count of the backlinks and make a decision based on that. Because of that, I recommend a couple of tools – three tools – that actually try and make an estimate of this stuff.
Probably the most popular tool, the one that’s the most famous, is Majestic SEO. Sometimes it helps to look at a concrete example, so let’s consider for a moment the site that we’ve talked about so many times on this podcast. It’s a site that I built to check out the Keyword Canine tool and it’s currently at the time of this podcast ranking number one for the keyword phrase “corn shellers for sale.” If you look at the report for this site, depending on which database you use that Majestic SEO has to offer, there are 350 to 400 links pointing back to that site. That’s considerably more than any other site has for that keyword, and that site ranks number one.
You can look further into the Majestic SEO tool and you can see the links aren’t the greatest, strongest, most fantastic links on the internet. But they are links nonetheless and they’re enough to rank that site. There’s a margin between me and the other nine sites on the first page of Google and that’s why that site ranks. I like the Majestic SEO tool for this purpose. It will also give you a sense of the quality of the links.
The other tool that I like is AHREFs. That’s a play on the fact that links in HTML code are built with a construction called an ahref, so that’s where that comes from. This tool will tell you a similar thing for, they’re actually reporting fewer links, around 350 at the time of this recording. It also gives you an idea about the quality of these links, and they’re sort of okay but not great.
You can use these two tools, either by themselves or in conjunction, to analyze each of the 10 websites that you might be competing with on the first page of Google, and you can make a decision about whether or not you want to try and rank for that keyword based on what Majestic SEO and AHREFs are telling you about the number of links that you’re going to have to go get.
Again, there’s other stuff that you may choose to worry about. But, to first order, the link count is the first criteria, the most important criteria that you need to consider when you’re doing SEO research. I think especially for people that are starting out, when you’re first starting a campaign if you see a keyword that has hundreds of links, that’s probably something that you can think about going after. If it has thousands of links, unless you have reason to believe that those links are all garbage, it’s going to be a lot harder. That’s just a real simple first order approach.
Let me say something about the first 10. I think that by the time you get to the sixth position on the first page of Google, position six through 10, especially if there are any ads on the page below the page fold, the return on investment on those rankings is pretty low in general. Usually what you need to be able to do is get in the top five to really get people to click on your links. You will get some clicks down at six through 10, but the question that you need to be asking is given the people that you see on the first page, in the top five positions, are there one or two of those people that you think you could displace by building good links to your site. If the answer is yes, then I think it’s okay for you to go ahead and attack this keyword.
Let me repeat what I said earlier. Given enough time and money, you can win any keyword you want. So if this is a really important keyword for you or for your customer, or if it’s something that you just really feel passionate about and that you want to win, maybe it’s your name and you really want to rank for your name on the internet, then there’s no amount of links that you can’t go get given enough time and money.
I hope that helps you understand a little bit more about how to do keyword research. Basically what we’ve said is you need to understand what the reason is, why you’re going after the keywords, what the purpose of the keywords is. Based on that you need to brainstorm the possible keywords that you might go after. Once you have a great list of keywords, you want to go and look at those keywords and find the words that people are actually typing into Google. Once you’ve identified keywords that people are actually typing into Google that you’d like to rank for because you know people are there, then you need to judge their competition.
Basically what I’m telling you is you can do a lot of fancy stuff, you can read a lot of articles on the internet, but right now (and it’s been true since the 1990s) the thing that matters first is the backlink profile for your competition. If the competing webpages that you’re dealing with have tons and tons of backlinks, you’re going to need tons and tons of backlinks. And if they don’t have tons of backlinks, in general over the course of time if you build quality links and you build more than they do, you’ll win.
There are lots of tricks you can use when you’re doing that, including looking at where they’re getting their backlinks from and seeing if you can get them from that place too. There are lots of strategies for figuring out where to go get the links – that’s probably a whole other podcast episode all by itself. But this is the competition strategy; identify the keywords, check the volume, check the competition, and the first thing you need to check with the competition, and really the only thing that I really check, is the backlink strength.
The way I do this, I don’t actually use Majestic SEO and AHREFs all that much anymore, Keyword Canine reports the backlink profile to me and I use that to screen keywords because it’s so fast. I just put a keyword in, click a button, and the backlink information and other important information just pops up on the screen. If you’re interested in Keyword Canine, that’s the tool that I’m using. I’ve played around with other tools, including Long Tail Pro recently, and Market Samurai I almost never use anymore. I’m using Keyword Canine almost exclusively. You can find that at if you’re interested in buying that through my affiliate link, which of course is not required but it is very much appreciated.
The other thing I’ll say is I had a ticket that came in from a listener who asked what I thought about Micro Niche Finder. I haven’t messed with that in years. When I switched over to the Mac I stopped using it. That was right around the time that Market Samurai came out and it ran on Mac. I used to be in touch with the owner of that, James Jones, and I worked with him some on the development of that in the sense that I beta tested some of their releases and gave them feedback way back years ago. So I’ve reached out to James and I’m going to try and see what’s going on with Micro Niche Finder. I used to really love that tool, that was my first ever keyword tool, but I haven’t talked to James in a long time. Maybe we can get him on the show, we’ll have to see how that goes.
That’s what I have to say about keywords. If you are interested in talking some more about keyword research, if you don’t agree with something that I said, if you have more questions, I would love to talk about keywords with you. Please don’t hesitate to leave me a comment in the show notes at Episode 58 or leave me some feedback on the voice mail feedback hotline at 214-444-8655, I’d love to hear from you.
Tool Tips of the Week
That gets us down to the last thing for this episode, which I hope to make a regular feature, tool tips. I use a lot of tools in my internet business and people are always asking me about them.
One of the tools that I used to build this episode, and I’ve been doing this more and more lately, is a mind mapping application called iThoughts HD for the iPad. I like it because it’s really tactile, you’re building this mind map but you’re touching the screen and dragging things around. It works really well for me.
There are a lot of mind mapping tools out there, but one of the things that’s really good about this one is the vast array of things that it will export to. On the iPad it will export to a ton of things; a picture, MarkDown and OPML, and it exports to Dropbox in a doc file, HTML, there are all kinds of options for getting this mind map out. That’s great for my podcasting workflow because that means that I can actually export directly into the show notes. Hopefully this new workflow that I’m using for the podcast as I crank things back up will also feature better show notes. You’ll have to let me know what you think about that.
That’s my recommendation; iThoughts HD for the iPad. There’s also iThoughts for the iPhone.
Wrapping Things Up…
Thanks very much for tuning in to Episode 58 of the Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast. I’m really hoping to get things cranked up now that my little summer hiatus is over. I’ll be back in a few days with a fantastic but hectic and crazy interview with Dan Miller from Dan is one of my heroes. I have a crazy equipment malfunction story to tell you about that next week. Until then, I hope you have an absolutely killer week. Take care.