This is the best Rankings Institute Review on the internet, by far. (If you find a better one, please let me know). I am a long time fan of Andrew Hansen, and I have promoted a many of his products over the years.
I can tell you that this is far and away the best product that he has ever produced — but it is not for everyone. I’ve also come to know, like and trust SEO guru Alex Miller (product co-creater). My hope is that this honest review of Andrew Hansen’s Rankings Institute (RI) will help you decide if this course is for you.
Note: Rankings Institute is not currently for sale.
If you want to be notified when it opens again
in the late Spring/early Summer of 2014
you can sign up here.
What Rankings Institute Is All About
This course is an organic search engine traffic course. Plain and simple. In the course, you learn how to get search engine traffic to your websites. It does not really matter if your site is an authority site, an e-commerce site, or an affiliate site. It does not matter what products that you are promoting. The RI course shows you what works in 2014 for traffic generation and teaches you how to make it happen.
What Rankings Institute Is Not
The most important thing to understand from this Rankings Institute review is that this course is not a site-building course like Forever Affiliate (FA). The RI course assumes that you have sites (new or established sites) that you need to rank in the search engines in order to get traffic (and make money).
What Is In The Ranking Institute Course
Amazingly, the RI course itself is made up of a membership area that contains a ton (about 100) videos. The videos are organized into modules, and each module ends with a clear action list. Here is an overview of each module (this is one of the things that makes this Rankings Institute review the best one on the internet).
Prework Module:
The course starts with a pre work module that contains a few “getting started” tasks that should be complete before the course begins. There are also a couple of videos to watch before the full course program. Generally speaking, the tasks are simple and the videos are short. Students that complete these getting started videos get the most out of the course.
Module 1: Keyword & Profitability Audit
If your goal is to maximize your income from free search engine traffic, you’ve got to make sure that you’re targeting those keyphrases that result in the highest return for the effort it will take to rank for them.
This is the goal of Module 1 of The Rankings Institute: To teach you the skills you need to uncover those most profitable keywords in your market. Andrew and Ale show you have to find those centers of profit that your competition isn’t smart enough (or well enough trained) to find and focus on.
In this module, you look at the most comprehensive strategies for keyword research, keyword analysis and keyword selection in 2014, and set the foundation for a hugely profitable search engine traffic campaign.
Module 2: Optimization
Andrew and Alex cover how you can “release those brakes” and fix the mistakes Google sees with your site… and start to watch traffic rise. [more details coming soon]
Module 3: Conversion
In this Rankings Institute module, you learn how to turn the absolute highest number of visitors to your site into buyers. [more details coming soon]
Module 4: Diversification
Here you learn how to diversify your presence, and bring FAST free traffic to your site in under a week. [more details coming soon]
Module 5: Competition
Understanding competition and back linking is critical. Here you learn how to get maximum traffic from minimal backlinks and make ANY site rank. [more details coming soon]
Module 6: Growth
This module shows is how to make a site’s Google traffic keep growing and growing and…some other really cool stuff that Andrew does not want mentioned here. [more details coming soon]
Module 7: Scale
Once you have figured out what is going on and gotten your bearings, this module shows you how to analyze what’s working and scale up according to where the easiest profit is. [more details coming soon]
Module 8: Secret Ninja Module
This is a ninja module and I can’t tell you anything about it yet. Strict orders from Andrew and Alex. Yes, this is a marketing strategy. Yes, it works. [more details coming soon]
Some Additional Resources For You
Here is an interview that I did with Andrew Hansen late in 2013 (just before the initial launch of Rankings Institute) that you might find interesting. Andrew talks a good deal about his philosophies around internet marketing and SEO.
Who Is Andrew Hansen?
I’ve known Andrew for years (since around 2008). I started out purchasing his products. In fact, one of the first products that I ever purchased was his famous Niche Marketing On Crack. That was my first solid training in Affiliate Marketing.
I’ve learned a ton of stuff from Andrew, and over the years we have become friends. I can recommend Andrew personally without reservation.
Who is Alex Miller
Alex is a great guy. He is not an internet marketing teacher. He is a real SEO who has made a lot of money in BIG markets (like credit cards).
Rankings Institute Review Disclaimer: Andrew Is My Friend
Full disclosure here. Andrew is a trusted friend of mine. I’ve known him since 2008 or so, and I promote his products from time to time. When I do that, I make money — and you need to understand that. Andrew also has a course on SEO that he is launching soon that will be mentioned at the end of the presentation. But trust me, the webinar is full of amazing stuff and totally worth your time. Just wanted you to know everything about this rankings institute review — I’m a transparent sort of guy like that.