Good morning.
Today I am in Atlanta at the Niche Affiliate Marketing System Seminar. I’ve been spending some time with top internet marketers learning and mapping out my plans for It’s really exciting to be in the company of the 18 instructors and all the people like me that are here to learn from them.
The tone of this workshop is really cool. There are two key features that I really like. First, there is very little pitching here. In fact, no products are for sale from the back of the room. A lot of seminars like this are pitch-fests. But NAMS is different by design (and it’s a great thing). The instructors are here to teach (not to sell).
Just as an aside, the Niche Affiliate Marketing Seminar Audio is available after the conference if you are interested. It turns out that you can get all the information presented at a fraction of the registration price. If you are interested, you should act quickly because 51 people will also get a 2gb flash drive loaded with all of the Niche Affiliate Marketing System 1 and 2 workshop materials and complete audios!
Second, there is great access to all the instructors between sessions. I’ve already had long conversations with Nicole Dean, Sid Hale, Lynn Terry and Kevin Riley. At this moment, I am listening to a Lifestyle Design talk from Mark Hendricks. I had not met Mark before this weekend, but I am blown away by his presentation, and have a 15 minute consulting session scheduled with him on Sunday. The only weird thing was that he made us sing during his presentation.
Of course, for me meeting Nicole Dean and Lynn Terry are two of the big highlights from the weekend (that’s Nicole at the left). It’s been really neat to realize that they are just as cool (and genuine) as they seem.
Last night, a bunch of us from Lynn’s elite forum sat around and talked about internet marketing long after the planned events for the day had ended. There are a ton of people from Lynn’s Elite forum here.
More on NAMS later. Right now this is looking like the most important investment in my business that I have made to date.
Next up later today, the entire conference is creating an info product live at the seminar. Pretty cool exercise, especially for people who are trying to get started with info products on line.