In this episode we talk about how to finish projects, even if you are stuck. We often start projects with gusto, only to get lost in the messy middle and fizzle out. I offer there ways to deal with this situation in this episode. We also talk about
How to Finish Projects Show Notes
In the projects that we are working on, there is a section that can be called ‘the messy middle’. You set these goals to whatever it is that you want to do and do it with so much passion and excitement when you imagine the outcome. On the onset, there is a flurry of activity and you make a lot of progress but after a while, that enthusiasm starts to wane, you encounter obstacles, things are harder and longer than you expected and all of a sudden, you find yourself in the messy middle. A lot us doesn’t make it and these become unfinished projects. So here are some tips for you to survive the messy middle:
- Once you have committed to a project, stay focused and say no to other opportunities. Drive your projects from start to profit. When you start, inspiration is great but after that, perspiration is the key. Stays focused and do the work.
- Recommit to the project. Go back and understand why you are doing what you are doing and re-decide that this is important. Try to find that original motivation that got you excited and recommit yourself. Emotionally reconnect to the project and that will drive you forward. When lose sight of our why, we lose our fuel so reaffirm your commitment to your project.
- Change the plan. You had a goal and a plan to execute but one of the reasons that you may be stuck is that unexpected things happened. As the quote goes, ‘No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.’ Your enemy might be life and all its surprises thereby your original plan may no longer be valid. But that is not a reason to fret – just go ahead and make a new plan. The objective is still the same but you may just need to revise some aspects in the project to get through the messy middle.
Do not give up on things that you really should be doing. But it’s okay to reassess and should you really ever need to quit, you must be sure that it is for the right reasons.
Tweet from Michael Hyatt regarding the messy middle
If you're struggling in the messy middle, just remember…
— Michael Hyatt (@MichaelHyatt) September 16, 2015
Links Mentioned In This Episode On Finishing Projects
- Rate this podcast on iTunes
- Security warnings coming in Google Chrome
- Moving to https (show 114)
- Search Engine Land article on RankBrain
- Lynn Terry at
- A Million Miles in a Thousand Years book by Don Miller
- Procrastination Tips (show from two weeks ago)
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How To Finish Projects Episode Transcript
I hope you had a fantastic week and you made amazing progress on your internet business. We have a lot to talk about today, but before we get to that I have a favor to ask.
It’s been awhile since I’ve asked. I would really love it and it would mean the world to me if you guys would stop what you’re doing and go over to iTunes to rate this podcast. I love good, strong, honest reviews. If you leave your name and your website in the review then I will gladly call you out right here on the show. It’s fun for me and I hope it will be fun for you too. If you’re an Android user and you actually know how to leave a review in the Google Play Store, I would love to know about that. As far as I can tell, that’s not even possible. I’d appreciate any kind of review you could leave over in iTunes. Tell me who you are in the review and I will give you a shout out right here on the show. Thank you very much.