On this episode of the Late Night Internet Marketing podcast, I share 10 essential landing page tips to help you convert visitors.
A landing page is a page where you send traffic to, with the goal of getting visitors to take some kind of action. The conversion rate on a landing page can have a significant impact on the profitability of your business. I emphasize that everything is up for debate and the best way to determine what works is by testing, using tools like Google Optimize. I encourage listeners to think about these 10 tips and consider how they can test different elements on their landing page to find the best opt-in rate.
Show Notes
In this episode, we've got 10 absolutely essential landing page tips for you. If you want to convert visitors on your landing page, pay attention to these tips.
What is a landing page? It is simply a page that you send traffic to, or somehow traffic arrives there. Traffic can come organically and the goal is for people to take some action when they're on the page. The conversion rate on a page can be the difference between whether or not your business is profitable.
You can literally double the revenue of your business with just a few percent change in the opt-in rate of a landing page. We will discuss these 10 tips but when it comes to landing pages, everything is up for debate, therefore you must test. Test to make sure that you understand what's working for your market, test your message for your particular situation. The easiest way to test usually is with a tool like Google Optimize.
- Have a clear and compelling headline that grabs someone's attention and makes it immediately clear what your value proposition is.
You have a few seconds to grab your visitor's attention so if you have something exciting to offer, make sure that the benefit is in the headline. Having a number in a headline has a specific benefit to conversions. If you have two or three good ideas for what your headline might be, go ahead and test those and see which one converts the best.
- Have a clear call to action.
Let people know exactly what it is that you expect or want them to do. You want someone to opt in? Or you want someone to buy the product? Don't give them a lot of choices where they can go get more information or look at this blog post or sift through these menu items. Make one obvious choice for the visitor and give them the opportunity to do that right away. A clear call to action with a clear benefit.
- Put plenty of white space.
The last thing you want to do is have someone visit your page and have them hit a giant busy wall of texts. It's hard to read. It's not easy to scan. When you design your web page, make sure you use the right amount of white space – not too much white space, but certainly enough white space so that it's not fatiguing to read the page.
- Use bullet points and lists, in cases where it makes sense, instead of paragraphs.
The combination of white space, bullets and lists makes your page easy for visitors to scan so they can tell right away what it is that you're wanting them to do.
- Make your page mobile-friendly.
Design your landing pages for mobile first. A vast majority of traffic comes from mobile and they are converting best (at least for me). It's absolutely critical that you have a mobile friendly design, whatever it is that you're trying to build.
- Pay attention to colors.
I find that landing pages that are mostly white convert the best. There's a big push right now to go to dark mode, so dark might be something that you want to test. But in any case, the colors that you use should be high contrast and easy to read. Use colors that are typically used in your industry that make it look like you're a pro.
Look for information about color palettes for websites, things that real marketers have worked out regarding opposing colors on the color wheel and how you should not combine these colors to have a great design.
- Have social proof on your landing page.
Have a little social proof below the fold (the space that you need to scroll in order to reveal), as opposed to your call to action, which should be above the fold.
- Consider the use of images and videos.
Particularly if your videos summarizes the contents on the page, and you can convince someone to take an action through the use of video, videos can be very effective. But test it because sometimes, people will be landing on your page in a situation where they can't watch a video — they're in a meeting, they're multitasking, they don't have audio — so you really need to put captions.
- Risk reduction. `
When people come to your landing page, and they don't opt-in, oftentimes, it's for a reason. Maybe they're not interested in what you're offering, or if there are, they've got some hesitations. We call that an objection.
One of the objections might be risk. For example, if you're asking for their email address, they may worry that you're going to send them spam or you're somehow going to invade their privacy. Consider what the objections might be around risk and include some risk reduction in your landing page. This can be in the form of a note stating you don't sell their email address or won't send them spam. You can add trust badges like a note that says it's scanned by McAfee and it's guaranteed to be virus free.
- Use clear and concise policies around privacy and cookies.
This will make your landing page look legit. Real websites have things like privacy policies and other kinds of legal boilerplate in links in the footer. This will make people who are concerned about these things not worry. The side benefit of having these legal pages can be that Google or other entities that may be sending you traffic, either paid or free, are also looking for those algorithmically. They're making sure that the places that they're sending traffic to are reputable, and one of the ways that they assess it is they look for the presence of these policies.
- Use HTTPS.
Make sure that your website is hosted with a reasonable domain name and that it looks trustworthy.
When you have questions, you absolutely need to test, but make sure that you're testing with enough data. Consider a more significant number of visitors before you start changing things. Sometimes that means you have to spend more money in order to get valid data to get the right results.
Links Mentioned In This Episode
- Get123Profit.com
- Send me feedback at [email protected]
- Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or Spotify
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