(Transcript continued from the Episode 151 show notes and audio podcast)
Mark: I am super excited to have what is actually the first ever studio guest in the history of the Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast. If you don’t count Zach and Morgan when they were little kids, because they’ve been on the mic before.
I have Brady Cole, the Helpful Pharmacist.
Brady, how are you doing?
Brady: I’m good. I can’t believe I’m in the little studio in the big state of Texas.
Mark: You live how far from me?
Brady: About 0.4 miles.
Mark: Not very far.
Brady: I can’t believe I’m the first kind of live guest that you’ve ever had.
Mark: First studio guest, that’s pretty exciting. We have the house to ourselves today, which means that we have the alcohol rolling in the middle of the day. We’re day drinking here in Texas.
We’re going to talk a little bit about your blogging and online journey today. How’s that sound?
Brady: That sounds good. The Sam Adams is good payment for my services, so I’m happy to be here.
Mark: It’s my pleasure to have you. I guess the first question is why talk about this. I think that was even a question that Brady and I talked about, would this be interesting to people?
I think it’s interesting for a lot of reasons.
One reason is you started on your journey, like so many people do, you just had an idea that you wanted to create some kind of online presence and you moved forward with that. I think it’s an inspirational story and we’re going to get into that.
You also have had some success. We’re going to talk about that success. Then, like so many times before, and like my friend Leslie Samuel talks about, this blog of yours has transitioned into something new and created some other opportunities for you. We’re going to talk about that.
I think the idea of this conversation is to unpack your journey a little bit and hopefully there will be something from your journey that listeners will take away and that will motivate them to do something amazing in their own lives. How does that sound?
Brady: That sounds great. I have a little story before we start. The way that I first found out that you had a podcast, or not even that but just found out about podcasting in general through you. I remember this distinctly, I don’t know why I remember it so well.
We play softball together. Before we started playing softball we knew each other fairly well, but we weren’t close friends at that point. One of our first practices we were at D-Bat hitting balls in the cage and you asked me did I ever listen to podcasts.
I was like, “No. What’s a podcast?” You explained what it was and told me that you listened to business podcasts. I was thinking, “Yeah, that doesn’t sound very interesting.” I questioned at that time if you were going to be a very fun guy to hang around with or not.
Mark: What’s the conclusion, am I fun to hang around with?
Brady: Definitely, you’re fun to hang out with and you got me hooked on podcasts, and you got me hooked on your podcast. Not only do I listen to business podcasts now, I’m actually on my first one, which is quite an honor.
Mark: I’m really glad to have you. That’s funny. D-Bat is a very nice indoor batting cage here, close to the little studio in Dallas. We go there all the time to try to make the softball team better. Sometimes that works, sometimes not so much.
You had that first exposure to podcasts. As I recall, it came up that I had a podcast and we had some discussion about blogging. Then at some point you decided maybe you should start a blog. Can you recall that?
I guess this was a couple of years ago now. Can you talk about what sparked that initial idea and how you got to that point?
Brady: I do remember that. My initial idea from listening to you was to maybe get in and do some affiliate marketing. I had some ideas. I remember coming over to your house one night and talking about website that I wanted to start.
You told me, “You kind of have a good idea, but the product line you’re looking at is not one that’s going to make you any money. I don’t think you should pursue this one too hard, but maybe pick a different area.”
Mark: The commercial viability wasn’t great. We did some of the standard analysis that I talk about all the time and we convinced each other that it wasn’t a great idea.
Brady: Right. That was my initial idea and you gave me some good advice there.
At the same time, just on my personal Facebook page I had been writing about pharmacy tips for my friends, things that people should know that would help them going to the pharmacy. Things like there are manufacturer coupons that you can get. I would write on Facebook these little posts about those kinds of things.
After I wrote a few of those, you and I talked about this would maybe be a good idea for a blog. That’s kind of how it started was just innocent little posts on Facebook just trying to help my friends. You mentioned to me that maybe more than just my friends would be helped by this, so maybe I should think about looking into a full blog. Which I did.
Mark: There’s a couple of things to unpack here. One thing that I think is immediately interesting that maybe people don’t realize. First of all, you’re a pharmacist, which is a thing, and you go to school for that. That gives you this medical information that most people don’t have.
From my perspective, that immediately gave you an unfair advantage over a bunch of other people who might want to talk about topics that matter to people, because you have special knowledge that other people don’t have.
Brady: Yes. I work with everyday people every day, just general public. The same kind of people that would be reading blogs or be on websites. That’s just my job.
Mark: People come to you at work, but they also come to you just out of the blue and say, “I have this question.” I imagine some of these questions are pretty hilarious, but, “I have this condition. What do you think I should do? What ointment should I put on my strange condition?” That sort of stuff.
Brady: Right. My friends, my relatives, the mothers of my kids’ friends.
Mark: Not me, but someone. “I’m asking for a friend.”
Brady: You always only ask for a friend for some reason and not for yourself. I know you have a lot of friends.
Mark: As I recall, we did some checking around and what we found was that a lot of the pharmacy bloggers were B-to-B bloggers that were blogging for other pharmacists. They were writing about pharmacy to pharmacists. There weren’t so many authors writing about pharmacy to people.
Brady: Yes. That’s the first thing that I did was look around for some other blogs. I found quite a few good ones, but most of them were talking to other pharmacists, talking about working conditions and things at work, things you can do better or things you can do different, or complaining about their jobs and commiserating.
That’s not what I wanted to do. That had already been done. Honestly, there’s a lot of negativity out there that really turned me off and I didn’t want to be that person.
The thought was pharmacist to patient, something anybody could read and benefit from. It wasn’t from a commercial standpoint, just things that can help them in general, treating general conditions or things that could make it easier and make them understand how the pharmacy works better so that it can make it easier on them when they go there, those types of things.
Mark: I think there are some favorite ones of mine. You’ve had some pretty popular articles.
One particular article about how to dispose of old medicine, that’s been a good one for you from a social media standpoint. Another article in the springtime about the different kinds of allergy medicines, what’s the difference between them and when to choose which one.
All this kind of stuff that people are standing in the pharmacy with their arms crossed and there’s a big line at the counter so they don’t feel comfortable walking over and asking the pharmacist, these are the kinds of questions they have.
One of the things that I thought was so cool about this is that your day is just an endless stream of ideas that come from your customers.
Brady: Yes. That’s what I feed off of most of the time is as I’m answering questions at work I think about things and would this make a good article for the website. That’s where I get a lot of my ideas. Some I plan out ahead and some just spontaneously pop up throughout the week just from the course of normal business.
Mark: One of the things that I teach and that we had talked about was that when you have these ideas, “I want a pharmacy website,” thing one is that you need to be able to help people. I think that was obvious immediately, that was going to be the whole point of this website.
The second thing was monetization. We talked a little bit about the things that we might or might not be able to monetize with a pharmacy website. Can you talk a little bit about the kind of things that are for sale in a pharmacy that you might want to help people choose, how those kind of things can work, and what our thoughts were around that?
Brady: That kind of website, when you have all of these helpful articles, these are things that Google can pick up on because people will search for them.
If you can build your online presence, then maybe you can get some affiliate offers worked in there somewhere. Products that a pharmacist recommends are not expensive, so there is a little bit of limitation there. If I’m recommending Tylenol, you don’t have to use a link from a website to buy Tylenol, you can just go get it. Even if you did, it’s only $4.00, so there’s not a lot of profit there.
I did write an article about blood pressure monitors and which ones work better than others. I did a lot of research on that one.
There is a little bit of monetization potential there, but I quickly realized that the website was going to be more of something that I can be proud of and something that is going to help people, but unless I’m putting ads on there, it’s not going to have a big dollar potential.
Mark: Right. I’m not sure that it’s fair to say that’s been completely exhausted either. There are things that you can attack, these multi-tens-of-dollars items, like blood pressure monitors. There are home remedy ebooks and information products, that’s something that we haven’t talked about or tried to tackle at all.
Once you had a lot of traffic, there are things you could do. At this point, I guess the approach has been some affiliate marketing and some pretty limited success is how you’d describe it.
Brady: There hasn’t been a lot of success yet, but traffic levels are pretty good on the site. I think that it’s been hard to find the time to work on it as much as I’d like to. The job takes up a lot of time, my kids take up a lot of time, and just things like that make it hard. I want to put out an article every week, but I don’t. I don’t tweak the website as much as I want to, just because I don’t have time.
I think it could be more successful than it has been, but I’m very happy with the response that I’ve gotten so far and the success. The Google rankings are coming. You can see them building up a little bit, it’s not been a fast thing at all. I think I have really good quality content, like you said. Like your advice is always to put out good quality and the traffic will come. I do see that happening.
Mark: We track this in Ahrefs and it’s interesting to see how the traffic continues to build. I think this thing that you described that is the challenge of finding the time to work in the margins, I think that’s a challenge that everybody has. How do you deal with that? You have this job and you have a family, and you have kids, you have a shortstop that plays alongside my second baseman, and you have all these commitments. How do you find time to even write a 1,000 word article for that blog?
Brady: It’s not easy. One good thing about my job, in that respect, is that I work weird hours. Sometimes I’ll go to work at 1:00 and work until 9:00. That will give me the morning to do things. Maybe I’ll have a day off during the week. In the summer it’s impossible, because the kids want my attention every second of every minute of every hour when I’m at home. That’s great, I love that and I wouldn’t change it, but it makes it hard to get work done. During the school year, that gives me a little time to work, assuming I don’t have appointments doing something else. It gives me time to write, it gives me time to plan, and time to work on the website. It’s not a lot of time, but that’s where I kind of carve it out.
Sometimes I’ll stay up late, like you do, but I can’t go late into the night like the trained professional here.
Mark: It is Late Night Internet Marketing, I have the brand to consider, so I have a certain amount of that I need to do.
You had this progress that you made and you created this thing, but you work for a company and that company sells pharmaceuticals. Here you are out there creating a pharmacy related brand. Is that a conflict of interest? How have you managed that? Do they know about it? Have you worried about that at all?
Brady: I did. I didn’t know how they were going to respond to it. That did worry me, because I didn’t want to get this thing going, put all of this work into it, and then have somebody at work say, “We really don’t approve of you doing this.”
I met that head on, before I ever published the first thing. I sent an email to my direct supervisor and his direct supervisor, who is the director of our division, and said, “This is what I’m doing. This is why I’m doing it. This is what’s going to be on the site. This is what’s not going to be on the site.”
I didn’t ask permission, I just said I’m doing this. I didn’t say, “Let me know what you think,” I just said, “This is going to happen.” I just let them respond in the way they wanted to, which was no response. I figured once they read it that I had done my job of informing them and since they had no comment I was good to go.
Mark: It sort of gives you the high ground. You’ve been completely transparent, they know what you’re doing. You’ve made a decision where you don’t talk about your employer on your blog. There’s not a reason to, but there’s no issue there.
Pharmacists, like doctors, have opinions about what the correct medical response is, so there is still this thing out there that there may be some official recommendation from your company and you may have a different opinion about what the right thing to say is. That’s still out there as a thing that you might have to deal with.
Brady: It could be, but it’s that way at work every day, too. I’m giving out the same advice at work as I do on the website. Those same possibilities exist every day, all the time.
Mark: That makes sense. I guess right now your intention is to just keep investing in this property as you can, as your time allows, grow it and see where it grows to. Is that a fair characterization?
Brady: Yes. The reason I do that is because, one, I enjoy it. It’s fun, I think, to write and create your content, to put your own voice out there in a way that you control. You don’t have people making a lot of rules for you on what you can say and what you can do, when you can do it and when you can’t do it. I love to have that control, I love to reach a bigger audience.
What I found was as soon as I started this the only people I had to share it with were my friends on Facebook. Every time I put an article up, I would share it on Facebook. I got a really good response from a lot of my friends and lot of people who were really supporting me and encouraging me, which gave me a great feeling that I was doing something that was really benefitting people and not just myself. I got several people reaching out to me every time I would post something, “I love your writing. I love your message. Your articles are great and easy to read. You’re funny.”
I love that feedback and that support. That’s what really kept me going. Once I got those first few articles out there, I got such a good response on Facebook and people were sharing my articles, it made me want to do more. It turned the mindset a little bit away from trying to make money from this just to building a property that I can be proud of and that other people can rely on, benefit from, and refer people to.
When they get stuck on a question, maybe instead of calling me or calling their pharmacist, they’ll go to my site first and say, “Has Brady written about this? Let me look here first before I go anywhere else, because this is the place I want to get my information.”
Mark: That’s really cool. The cool thing about it for me is I know that it’s true that if one person asks me a question there’s almost always 1,000 people that also have that question. If you can write that answer down, then all of a sudden you can take that one answer that you wrote for one person and you can multiply the help that you’re delivering by 1,000. That’s clearly happening with HelpfulPharmacist.com.
Brady: It is. And I don’t have nearly the fan base that you have, so I can imagine if I ever do get to that point. There are only so many hemorrhoid cream questions that you can answer before it starts getting repetitive. Actually, I haven’t gotten any of those, but if I did you could see how that would get old pretty fast.
Mark: Absolutely. I have this friend, Leslie Samuel over at BecomeaBlogger.com, and he has this amazing story that he tells about how he was able to parlay his blog on biology into a gig teaching biology at a university without a PhD. I still don’t know exactly how he did that.
We know that blogs can have this effect where it can give you legitimacy and roll into other things. This sort of thing has actually happened to you in a roundabout way. One of the reasons that you’re not so focused on affiliate marketing is that your blog has opened up a new revenue stream for you.
Can you talk about that a little bit and maybe explain what went down there?
Brady: Definitely. One of the things that I heard advice from you, and from Pat Flynn, from Darren Rowse – I listen to their podcasts, I don’t know them.
Mark: Pat is awesome. So is Darren.
Brady: I can tell.
Mark: They’re coming to Dallas, so I’m hoping to remedy that you don’t know them business.
Brady: Okay. That would be awesome. Problogger is coming here, right?
Mark: That’s right. Problogger is coming here and Pat is coming here for FinCon. So I’m working on a thing and we’ll see how it goes.
Brady: Awesome. I would love to meet them.
One thing that you guys all mention is to reach out to other people in your field. Don’t look at them as competitors, look at them as people that can help you along your journey and you can do the same for them.
When I started doing that, I noticed that a lot of people who I enjoyed their work the most, the people that were positive and not the people who were negative and complaining all the time, the people that were more in mindset, I would see their work in other places and not just on their blogs. I saw them writing for different websites. Some of them were in magazines. They were sharing stuff from all over the place that didn’t just belong to them.
That was one thing that really interested me. I saw this one guy, he’s called The Honest Apothecary.
Mark: Apothecary is a word that means something pharmacy related.
Brady: Right. I followed him pretty closely and I noticed he was working for several different publications. That kind of got on my radar as something that I would like to do eventually. I didn’t know how to go about it, but that definitely caught my attention. Wow, wouldn’t that be cool to be published somewhere besides just my own website?
A real coincidence happened. I had another job, I was a recruiter for my company. I had territories, I had stores up in Chicago. I did that for about five years and I got to know everybody that works up there really well. The guy who had been the Director of Pharmacy up there, his name was Ed Cohen, he was a good friend of mine, we hung out every time I went into town. Even after he left the company he took me down to a Bowl game in San Antonio where his Michigan Wolverines were playing.
We were good friends, but he left and went to another company and I hadn’t heard from him in probably 10 years or so. He somehow saw the blog and he contacted me through the blog. Actually, he did that pretty early on. He left a comment somewhere that because of my newness to the blogosphere I didn’t even see it. He put it in a place where I didn’t know to look for it. I didn’t even see it until maybe four or five months after he put it up there, which could have been a huge missed opportunity.
He reached out and said, “I like what you’re doing here. As a matter of fact, I work for Pharmacy Times now and I wanted to know if you’d be interested in writing for us.” I saw that, four months later, and I went, “Oh my gosh.”
Mark: That was my reaction, too.
Brady: I can’t believe I missed this. Luckily, I contacted him and he answered me right away. He said, “No problem. I wasn’t thinking you were ignoring me. I still work here and we’re still interested in working with you. Just wanted to know if that’s something you’d like to do?” I was like, “Yes, of course.”
Mark: You’ve written for Pharmacy Times a couple of times and they pay by the article. The stipend that they pay you is significant. That’s a whole different revenue stream that is derivative from the blog, so that’s super cool.
Brady: It is. What I didn’t understand about it is – and I’m sure most online publications are like this – they are looking for just as much content as they can get. There is no limit on how much you can write or what you can write about. It’s very self-driven, just like my website. I can write what I want, I can do it at my own pace, I can do it as fast or as slow as I want, and they want all of it.
Mark: They just have their checkbook ready and waiting for you to send in content.
Brady: They want all of it. If you send them stuff that’s good, if you spellcheck yourself and you have a decent topic, you’re going online. It’s a lot easier than I thought it would be. They pay by the word. They give you limitations on how short or how long it should be, but other than that they don’t really tell me what to do, which is kind of my style.
Mark: Exactly. I understand. I think that this is a great example of the blog has turned into something. The blog has not gone away, you’re still investing there, but it’s opened up doors for you that you hadn’t even considered before. That’s super cool.
I also love that he just found you. That’s one of the most magical things about being a blogger. People walk up to you and they say, “Hey, I read your stuff.” That’s really cool.
Brady: Right. I do get people at work sometimes that will stop by and say things. Especially when I shared my first Pharmacy Times article, which did really well, I had several customers that saw it somehow. They’d come by the pharmacy and say, “I saw your picture online.” That’s really cool.
It’s very ironic that he works for that same magazine where I saw The Honest Apothecary’s articles and I was targeting them as a place that I wanted to go. I think I would have gotten there eventually on my own, but this kind of sped it up a little bit.
Another good thing that came out of that is I got such a good response from the online articles that another editor from the print magazine contacted me after I had written a few the online version. They wanted me to write some print articles that are a little more technical, a little more clinical, a little more out of my comfort zone, but something that I’m interested and they pay about three times what the online people pay.
Mark: That’s very nice.
Brady: That’s very nice. There’s a limit on how much and how often you can do those and they do assign you the topics, but it’s an opportunity for a new horizon, a new place to distribute content, and also a way to make even more money.
Mark: That’s really cool. I recall one thing that I wanted to bring up that is a tactical thing. When they first published your first article on Pharmacy Times you got a lot of traffic and there was a lot of interest in that article. It was an excellent article.
We looked at that article and the first thing that we noticed was that in your bio there was a link to Helpful Pharmacist, your blog. Can you talk about what we saw there, what we did, and what the result of that was?
Brady: Definitely. I was really excited about this and you were excited for me as well. My first response was, “I could make $100 for writing an article.” Your first response was, “Don’t even worry about that. All you need to worry about is can you get some backlinks from this to bring authority to your site.”
Mark: Typical SEO answer.
Brady: You need authority to your site and this would be awesome.
I have this bio that can write myself and I can put anything I want to in there, so I’m going to put my website in there, of course. So I did, but when the article was published I noticed there was not a hyperlink. It said the name of my website, but you couldn’t click on it and go there. There was no backlink, there was no direct referral of traffic.
At one point the editor was telling me how well my article did and I said, “My website is doing great, too. This is really helping me. But, if I had a clickable link in my bio, I bet my traffic would have been twice what it has been.” She said, “It’s important to our bosses to help you guys, too. I will put a link in there for you.”
Not only did she make that a hyperlink, she also made a hyperlink on my Twitter handle and my Facebook page, so I got all three of those with a hyperlink in there now.
Mark: Very nice. I think from an SEO standpoint the thing is the backlink gives authority to your site. The direct traffic is amazing, because a professional blog like Pharmacy Times has orders of magnitude more traffic than you have, so the direct traffic is fantastic. Also, the direct link is amazing from an SEO standpoint and immediately showed up in Ahrefs and increased the authority of the blog. That’s really cool.
How long have you been doing this now?
Brady: I started in January of last year, so a year and a half now.
Mark: Definitely a revenue stream has been created for you and your lovely family that lives four-tenths of a mile from my house. That’s great. Congratulations.
What are your hopes and dreams for the next year and a half? What do you plan to do just in general terms and what do you still hope to accomplish? I guess you still hope to help people, that’s one thing.
Brady: Yes. I want to keep putting articles up. I want to keep coming up with new ideas. I would like to find a way to make a little more money off the website. I think I will. It’s going to take a little more work, a little more consistency.
I think that my biggest problem is lack of consistency of putting content up right now.
Mark: I’m familiar with this problem. I understand this all too well.
Brady: I think I’ve maybe put up three articles so far this year, which is not cutting it. I’ve been busy with other things and my followers know that, so it’s not like I disappeared on them. They’ve been reading my stuff in other places, so they know what I’ve been doing and I’ve still been helping them, just in a different way.
I want to work on this more. I want to find a way to parlay this into more writing or maybe even some speaking. I would love to get into some speaking opportunities, engagements, jobs or whatever. I think the same kind of content that I’m writing could work well in a conference or some kind of setting like that. I will be looking for opportunities to do things like that as well.
Mark: Absolutely. I can hear just from this interview that you’ll do well at that, because you’re naturally talented at that. That’s going to be great.
If you, like me, had the ear of people who were thinking about getting started, but they weren’t sure what to do, or they weren’t sure how to do it, or they weren’t sure they were going to be successful, or they had the list of 17 things that they just didn’t know and they just weren’t sure, they’re afraid they might fail, they weren’t sure what people were going to think or if anyone would care what they had to say, all of the little voices, what do you have to say to those people?
Brady: One thing, I have one unfair advantage living 0.4 miles away from you. That’s definitely an unfair advantage, because when I get stuck or I need some help, I have the trained professional right down the street.
I can tell you that I have next to zero technical abilities. I’m not good on a computer, I’m not good with a spreadsheet. Going into this I knew nothing at all about how to even start a website or design a website. I knew how to write, but I had no technical skills. I’ve been able to put it together and it wasn’t that hard.
A lot of the things that I’ve learned, I learned just by listening to your podcast and not by you doing it for me. I’ve tried to be very respectful of your time there and not ask you to do everything for me, although I know you would.
Mark: I’ll work for beer.
Brady: I have Sam Adams at my house, too.
It’s not as hard as it sounds. When you think about creating a website, running one, and managing one, it sounds like a really big deal. It’s really not that hard. Anybody can do it. WordPress makes it very easy as long as you know what plugins to put in and how to manage your privacy and security. You go through all of that stuff, that’s your job is to tell us all of those things.
Mark: Right.
Brady: What I would say is if you have a good idea, first run it by a few people before you do it. It doesn’t have to be Mark, it could be somebody you respect at work, a family member, or your spouse, somebody that will tell you the truth. That’s what you need. Once you validate that, go for it. Don’t let those questions stop you or delay you, because they may delay you forever.
Mark: Yes. You have to take bold action.
Brady: Absolutely.
Mark: Awesome. Brady Cole, I appreciate your time today. This has been fantastic. I hope that people will hear a nugget, just a single nugget even, of something that will move them, that will inspire them, that will make them realize that whatever it is that they’re dreaming about doing is actually possible. If they want to see your example and check you out, where can they find you, the Helpful Pharmacist?
Brady: Several places. HelpfulPharmacist.com would be a great place to start. You can check me out on Twitter, @HelpfulRPh. RPh is an abbreviation for pharmacist. I have a Facebook page.
Or you can look on Pharmacy Times and search Brady Cole and all of my articles will pop up there, including the one that was based on something that I heard on your show.
Mark: That’s right. I forgot all about that article. That’s a fun thing where the Late Night Internet Marketing community gets a shout out on Pharmacy Times.
Brady: I heard you say just in passing that you bring your own weather wherever you go. I took that concept and wrote an article about it.
It’s funny you mentioned dealing with your employer and whether they’ll approve of what you’re doing or not. What I’m doing I think they very much should, because I represent the company really well. But, our director is really a big motivation person, she loves motivation, she loves things like bring your own weather. I sent that article directly to her once it was posted and she liked it so much that she sent it to every store. She also sent it to her husband, who is a Boy Scout leader, and he used it at their big Boy Scout conference. They used that throughout their whole big camp out as one of their mottos of the week, “Bring your own weather.”
You started all of that and I ran with it a little bit more, and some other people ran with it some more. That’s one of the best things that I’ve ever written, in my opinion.
Mark: Awesome. Thank you very much, Brady Cole.
If you have questions for Brady be sure and leave them in the comments with the show notes or, maybe even better, Brady is a member of the Late Night Internet Marketing Facebook Group and I’m sure if you join in there and ask Brady a question about his experience he would be happy to answer that for you.
Brady, it’s been a real pleasure. Thank you so much. Talk to you soon.
Brady: Thank you and thanks for the beer.
Mark: Bye.
Wrapping Things Up…
That was really fun. Brady is a really good friend of mine. We have done all kinds of stuff together. By the time you hear this, we will have just gotten back from taking our kids to the Imagine Dragons concert. It’s going to be my 10-year-old son’s first actual for-real concert that he wanted to go to. That’s very exciting. We play on our softball team together. It’s just a lot of fun for me.
I hope this was fun for you. Again, I hope that you can take a couple of ideas from Brady’s story about his journey. The kinds of ideas that occur to me are he didn’t know really how to start or where to start, but he didn’t let that worry him. He figured stuff out as he went along. When he needed help, he asked for it.
He leveraged stuff that he already knew about and something that was in his life that he cared about. He didn’t worry so much about the whole big business plan right up front, he just knew he had something viable and he took action.
The other thing that I think is so amazing about this story is he wasn’t completely focused on one particular outcome here. He left himself open to opportunity and got these writing gigs that are actually paying more money than most bloggers ever make from their blog each time he writes an article.
It’s just a really cool story. I hope you can take some motivation from that.
Until next time, I’m Mark Mason from a little studio in Dallas, I hope you have an absolutely fantastic week.