In this episode of the MasonWorld Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast, we talk about “our new Internet Marketing Motivator segment” and about making money online without selling make money online stuff. We also interview Pat Flynn from
I've known Pat since just after he left his day job and started trying to make a living on line. His story will amaze and inspire you.
As an added treat, we have a special mystery guest doing the podcast intro this week.
We need reviews on iTunes!
If you like the podcast and are willing to take a second to leave us a favorable review in iTunes, that would be fantastic. You should be able to do that using this link. You will need to do this from inside of the iTunes application (which is free).
This week we give a shout out to Josh Spaulding who gave us a nice review over at iTunes. Josh says:
In the episode, I introduce a new segment I am calling “Internet Marketing Motivator”. Each week, we will cover a topic that will help you stay motivated in your internet business.
Also this week, we tackle that difficult topic — can you really make money online without teaching people how to make money online.
Most importantly, I continue with the interviews I promised last week.
Pat Flynn from the Smart Passive Income Blog is in the HOUSE!
Pat talks about how he got started (an amazing story) and reveals the three most important things new marketers should know.
Links Mentioned in the podcast:
When the transcript is available, it will be here.
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I'd love to hear what you think about the podcast. Drop me a line here on the blog on on the digital recorder at 214-444-8655. Ask a question or leave a comment and we may use it on the show.
Episode 011 Transcript
Hello and welcome to the Mason World Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast. I’m your host Mark Mason and this is episode 11. Thanks for coming onboard with us for this 11th episode. I want to thank Zachary, my awesome three year old, for that introduction. You give your three year old the podcasting and slice and dice with Audacity and you get a really fantastic podcast introduction. Thanks for that, Zachary, I really appreciate that.
Of course, this is night internet marketing, so Zachary is in bed, but I’m going to go ahead and continue on with a show without him. I’ve got four great things for you today. Thing number one is a new segment I’ll be introducing called Internet Marketing Motivator. It’s going to be a regular feature on the podcast where we talk about an issue of motivation as it relates to your internet business.
Secondly, today I’ll be taking the time to give a shout out to all the great people who have been leaving us fantastic reviews on iTunes. The third and the fourth thing today are related, I’ll be talking a little bit about how you don’t have to sell things to people who want to make money online to make money online, and I’m going to give you a great example of that as the fourth thing.
I’ve got an interview with Pat Flynn. Pat is a good friend of mine and webmaster over at the Smart Passive Income Blog. Even though he talks about making money online on his blog that’s not how he got started. We’re going to talk about his other internet businesses today right here on the Mason World Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast.
I wanted to start off today by thanking all of you that have taken the time to go over to iTunes and leave a review for the Mason World Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast. Boy, the reviews have been fantastic and it really helps me out because the reviews are part of the system that Apple uses when deciding how to rank the podcasts. It helps people find the podcast by ranking it more highly in the search results and so forth, so I really appreciate those reviews.
If you’ve got a minute to go on over to iTunes and leave a review you can do that at and that will take you over to where you need to go. It’s a little tricky, you’ve actually got to be in the iTunes app. iTunes is a free download and if you don’t use that MP3 player I think it’s pretty cool, you might like it. You can get that
Since these reviews are so valuable to me I thought what I do now and in future episodes is I’d try to call out some people who left reviews on iTunes and give a shout out, maybe call out their URL and so forth. So, if you’ve left a review for me on iTunes or if you do decide to leave a review for me on iTunes be sure and drop me a ticket at and let me know that you left me a review on iTunes, leave your name and your URL in that ticket, I’ll go over and take a look at the review and give you a shout out right here on the podcast, maybe send a little traffic your way just as my way to say thank you for leaving me that review in iTunes, I really do appreciate it.
We’ve had a couple of great reviews in iTunes, and one of the very first guys that left me a review in iTunes was my buddy Josh Spaulding over at and he’s had some really nice things to say about the podcast. You can check out his review over at iTunes, again that’s, and while you’re at it go check out Josh’s blog. I think you’ll like it a lot over at