In this episode, I spend time going through some awesome feedback about Pat Flynn and try to decide if it is OK to make money online teaching how to make money online.
This is the 35th episode. The weekly schedule was wrecked by new home office furniture (studio was wrecked). I will be back to the weekly publishing schedule again Thursday Sept 20. As always, I will keep trying until I can make it happen on a regular basis.
In This Show…
In this show, I discuss:
- The North Dallas Late Night Meetup — a huge success last Tuesday, September 11, 2012 at the Londoner Pub in Allen.
- Feedback on making money online
- The Foundation and Pat Flynn's session about it
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Send us your feedback
As always, I'd love to hear what you think about the podcast. Better yet, I’d love to answer your question about Internet marketing on the show. Just drop me a line here on the blog or on the digital recorder at 214-444-8655. Don’t worry, there are no stupid questions. Unless you tell me not to, when you ask a question or leave a comment might even use it on the show.
When the transcript is available, it will be here with all the other MasonWorld Late Night Internet Marketing Transcripts.
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Episode 035 Transcript
Feedback About Making Money Online
I am in complete and total podcasting disarray. Those of you that follow me on Twitter (@MasonWorld) you’ve probably seen the crazy pictures coming from my house where I’ve completely disassembled my entire studio; microphone, mixer, compressor, limiter, gate – everything is in a big pile and a box on my floor because I’m getting new office furniture. Of course all the cables and everything had to be disconnected because they were all tangled up in the office furniture.
So if I sound a little funny it’s only because all my gear is still in a box and I’m podcasting on my old condenser microphone, no headphones and doing it the old school way. I’m actually set up on a little plastic card table in the corner while waiting on the furniture, which comes on Wednesday – I’m actually recording this on Monday night. Two days from now I’ll have my hands full of hooking that stuff all back up. Check out the pictures, I’ll try to throw a few pictures of the big mess into the show notes and you can check them out there.
Today is the much awaited feedback episode. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted feedback. We’re going to go through as many as we can. We certainly won’t get to them all because it’s a 30 minute show and we’ve got more than 30 minutes worth of feedback. I do appreciate everyone who has called in with feedback. We will eventually get to tall the feedback.
Before we do that, I wanted to share with you a reaction that I had recorded the other day to an email unsubscribe that I got in my inbox.