Tracking the ranking position of the keywords for your websites is a critical part of any affiliate marketing business. In this episode, I talk about my personal solution for tracking web site rankings — Rank Tracker from I use the tool to track website rankings in conjunction with a captcha solver, a dedicated “always on” server and some VPN software. It’s a cool solution that allows me to track as many keywords as I like for a small fixed cost. We also take some listener feedback during this episode — just how many affiliate sites do I have anyway?
Here are the highlights of the items I have shared in today’s episode:
- Using broad hash tags, using the Click to Tweet tool and other quick Twitter tips for you to increase your discoverability and generate buzz for your internet presentations and marketing conferences,
- Answers to our mystery caller’s questions and then some: Can small affiliate sites still be successful? How much money am I making in my sites? How many websites am I currently managing? What is the right number of sites for you to have? What strategies can you apply to manage these sites effectively and efficiently?
- Samples of external tools you can use to keep track of your keywords to constantly improve your sites, understand where your traffic is coming from and know how you are ranking in the search engines,
- The challenges and prohibitions which you should watch out for in subscribing to rank tracking services including the steep rates, not scaling well and the accumulating recurring costs,
- About Rank Tracker, my recommended tool for you which is part of the SEO power suite, and it’s amazing capabilities and features, and
- The benefits and roadblocks of running Rank Tracker in Mac Mini servers and how to mitigate these challenges through ‘HMA’, a virtual private networking software.
Here is a screen shot from Rank Tracker:
Links Mentioned In This Episode:
- Rank Tracker
- Hide My Ass VPN Software
- The Rankings Institute
- PosiRank
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Episode 085 Transcript
This week I’m back in the studio and we handle some listener feedback. In addition to that, we talk all about the tool that I actually use to monitor the rankings across all of my sites.
All this and more on the Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast….
Back in Texas and Quick Twitter Tips
I am back in my actual physical studio, I’m not recording in a small hotel room in some far away Asian country. It is 3:43 in the morning here in Texas. I’m not quite sure that I’m completely over the jetlag from my Asia trip, I’ve been back almost a week.
But, I can tell you that I’m fired up to record this episode, the podcast is one of my absolute very favorite things to do. Even though I struggle to get this show out every week, I just love doing it and I really appreciate all the feedback that you guys send. It really is my goal to get this show to the next level, to really grow it. Your help is appreciated.
We’re coming up on 100 episodes and we’ll be targeting the 100th episode here in about 15 weeks. That’s pretty exciting, that’s going to put us probably sometime in January. We’ll do something special for the 100th episode. In order to get there, one of the things that I’m hoping to get to is also 100 reviews in iTunes. Right now we’re at 80+ reviews, so if you want to head on over to iTunes and leave us a review if you love the show, that would be totally awesome, I would love you for that.
Or if you just want to tweet out about the show, I’ve set something special up just for you at If you go there you can see a prepopulated tweet. I do this with a cool tool called Click to Tweet. This is one of the things that I do in my presentations whenever I’m presenting at some kind of internet marketing or podcasting conference to generate buzz during my session. Throughout my presentations I’ll have short links that people can type into their cell phones or laptops during the presentation and generate buzz about whatever it is that I’m talking about, quotable quotes and so forth. You can see this by going to That’s a cool tool that you can use, a little bonus tip for you. You can use that in your marketing to get your word out on Twitter.