Man oh Man! Finally back on the air.
In this episode of the MasonWorld Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast, we continue with our series introducing the different ways that you can make money online. Specifically, we take a look at how you can put it all together — niche marketing, affiliate offers, blogging, information products, etc.
Better than that, we have the lovely and talented Nicole Dean in the house!
When the transcript is available, it will be here.
In the podcast, I mention that I am still spending time in Lynn Terry's forum, and that I recently attended NAMS.
Some links mentioned in the podcast
- Moonlighting On The Internet (a real book)
- Ten Ways To Make $10K On The Internet (free)
- Lynn Terry Elite Member Forum
- Nicole Dean's website
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I'd love to hear what you think about the podcast. Drop me a line here on the blog on on the digital recorder at 214-444-8655. Ask a question or leave a comment and we may use it on the show.
Episode 008 Transcript
This is the Mason World Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast, Episode 8.
You want to build a business that you can call your own, but you can’t imagine abandoning the security of your day job. You are confident that you can find a few hours a week to pursue your dreams of creating a business on the internet, but you don’t know where to start. You’re looking for a plan.
Congratulations! You just found one. You are listening to the Mason World Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast, with your host Mark Mason, building internet businesses one night at a time.
Hello, and welcome back. My name is Mark Mason of and you’re listening to the Mason World Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast. I hope you’re having a fantastic day.
It’s been awhile since I’ve been on the mic, I have been incredibly busy. On November 21st, I had my fourth child, Morgan. She is absolutely beautiful and she completely blew the wheels off of my podcasting schedule. That’s my excuse anyway.
Actually, when I first started podcasting I talked to the zen guru master of podcasting about my plans, Jason Van Orden. Jay told me, “Beware of pod-fade.” Sure enough, it’s hard to fight that pod-fade. You’ve got to really watch that. Whenever you have a podcast it’s really easy to let a week, and then two weeks, and then a month go by. Then all of a sudden you’re not podcasting anymore.
I’m back and I’m excited to be here. One of the main reasons that I’m back is I got a lot of email from people asking, “Where’s the podcast?” We’ve had thousands and thousands of downloads, lots of great feedback in iTunes, and people have really been encouraging me to bring the podcast back.
I really appreciate that. There is no better feeling than to get an email from someone telling you that they appreciate what you’re doing and that you’re helping them. That’s the point of this podcast, so I’m really glad to be back.
We’ll be talking about a lot of different things today, including a recap of the first seven episodes where we went over a bunch of different business models for internet marketing. I’m going to pull all that together for you today to kind of give you an idea of where we’re headed with this internet marketing adventure.